EdgeEX provides an engaging and accessible learning experience for all students, empowers teachers through actionable data and easy-to-use tools, and provides districts with more visibility and flexibility to customize.


EdgeEX is transforming educational experiences

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Students - built to engage

Simple Tablet Frame

Explore EdgeEX Content

Step 2: Click the computer to log into Imagine Edgenuity to access My School Catalog and view an EdgeEX course

Step 1: Watch the video for guidance exploring EdgeEX content

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Click to watch !

Ready to dive in and ​experience EdgeEX from ​the student perspective?

To get started, click the ​image and join the open ​class. The video will pause ​along the way with ​questions to answer.

Discover EdgeEX Student Experience

High school students typing during computer lab class

EdgeEX Section Management

Watch the videos below to learn about EdgeEX sections and

how to locate, view and manage them

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For step-by-step support with essential set-up tasks, use the

EdgeEX Student Enrollment

Watch the videos below to learn how to enroll students in EdgeEX course sections and to view and manage enrollments

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Click to watch !

Monitor Progress: EdgeEX Educator Launchpad

Educators monitor and take needed actions for student EdgeEX enrollments on the Educator Launchpad

What is the EdgeEX Educator Launchpad and why is it important?

How do you take action from the EdgeEX Educator Launchpad?

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Click to watch !

Dive into Data with EdgeEX

The videos below will introduce key reports to monitor while using EdgeEX

Which reports and data metrics work

with EdgeEX courses?

Are there new reports for EdgeEX?

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Click to watch !

Going Deeper with EdgeEX Foundations


Utilize the videos below to learn more about EdgeEX at your own pace!

New catalogs are the building blocks for EdgeEX

Hubs are the keys to managing and monitoring in EdgeEX

Sections are essential to EdgeEX and created by permissioned users

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Click to watch !

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EdgeEX - Sections Overview