Middle school friends in a computer lab

Imagine Galileo

Getting Started

Track student growth and achievement through

standards-aligned benchmarks, formative assessments, and robust reporting.

Want to learn more? Look for these icons on each page to visit the Imagine Learning Help Center.

Step 1: Identify Your Goals

Review your Imagine Galileo district, school, and/or classroom goals.

Determine if you will use Imagine Galileo for benchmark assessments, formative assessments, interim assessments, and/or assignments.

These might be determined by your district or school, or you might be setting your own classroom goals.


Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

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Click here to learn ​more about Galileo!

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Step 2: Explore Program Content

Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Click the window below to log in to your Imagine Galileo teacher dashboard.

Then, navigate to Test Finder.

Find a pre-built assessment, then click the preview icon.

As you explore content for your grade level(s), take note of features that will...

Click here

to dive in!

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  • increase accessibility
  • prepare students for standardized assessments
  • develop strong testing habits

Imagine Galileo

K-1 Student Experience

Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Step 3: Discover the Student Experience

Ready to check out Imagine Galileo from the student perspective?

Click below to dive into the student experience via an interactive video!

Imagine Galileo

2+ Student Experience


Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Step 4: Complete Essential Set-Up Tasks

Part 1 - Classroom and Student Management

Use the links below for support with the essential set-up tasks that will prepare you to ​launch Imagine Galileo with your students.

For step-by-step support with essential set-up tasks, use the:


Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Step 4: Complete Essential Set-Up Tasks

Part 2 - Assessment Management

Use the links below for support with the essential set-up tasks that will prepare ​you to launch Imagine Galileo with your students.

Click the computer screens to watch

the videos!

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For step-by-step support with essential set-up tasks, use the:

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Click to watch !

Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Step 5: Dive Into Data

The clips below will introduce key reports to monitor as you launch

Imagine Galileo in your classroom.


Going Deeper

Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center.

Utilize the resources below to learn more at your own pace!

Provides an outline of performance on each standard assessed for a selected student.

Build a test by creating new questions or by using the pre-built standards-aligned items.

Review the benchmark, interim, and formative assessments available within Imagine Galileo.

Click to watch !

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An approach to designing and scoring assessments that aims to measure a student's ability rather than just their performance on a specific set of items.

Learn more about Imagine Galileo's integration with Imagine Language & Literacy using the ELA Benchmark.