Imagine Science Corner
Getting Started
Increase students' scientific understanding by developing
science curiosity, STEM and 21st Century skills, science vocabulary, and academic discourse.
Help Center
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What is Imagine Science Corner?
Explore Lesson Content
Click the computer to log in to Imagine Science Corner. Then, navigate to Assignment Builder.
As you explore content for your grade level(s), consider:
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Student Management
Check out the three videos below for support with all the Essential Student Management
Set-Up Tasks that will prepare you to launch Imagine Science Corner with your students.
For step-by-step support with essential set-up tasks, use the
Click computer ​screens to watch!
Want to import records in bulk? Click here!
Need to create teacher accounts? Click here!
Click here to access the Help Center step-by-step directions
Classroom Management
Check out the three videos below for support with all the essential classroom management set-up tasks that will prepare you to launch Imagine Science Corner with your students.
Click to watch!
Click here to access the Help Center step-by-step directions
Dive Into Data
The clips below will introduce key reports to monitor as you launch Imagine Science Corner in your classroom.
Are students active in the learning?
Are students making forward progress?
Are students demonstrating mastery?
Click to watch!
Click here to access the Help Center step-by-step directions
Going eeper
Utilize the videos below to learn more at your own pace!
Learn the features of the Home Page and basic navigation of the platform.
Explore the PBL Investigations, which follows the project-based learning approach to instruction.
Click to watch!
Click here to access the Help Center step-by-step directions